Ms. Myers-Collins - 6th Grade
Welcome to Room 11! My name is Mrs. Colleen Myers Collins and I currently teach MATH 6, SCIENCE 6, Physical Education, and STEM (Energy and the Environment). I am a former Baldwin Park student, UC Berkeley graduate, and Claremont Graduate University alumni. In the past 29 years, I have taught multiple subjects and 4th through 8th grade in this school district.
Course Description: Sixth grade math instruction will be focused on four critical areas: (1) the connection of ratio and rate problem solving to whole number multiplication and division (2) the completion of the understanding of division of fractions and extension of the notion of number to the system of rational numbers (3) the writing, interpreting, and using of expressions and equations; and (4) the development of statistical thinking.
Course Description: In middle school students use the three dimensions of the California (CA) Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to understand the world around them. Instruction begins with the students engaging with observable phenomena, and then the following lessons will be organized around the phenomena rather than specific concepts in the field of science. Specifically, in the sixth grade the guiding science concept in the framework is “Systems within organisms and between them are adapted to Earth’s climate systems.” Therefore, students will focus on phenomena based on the interaction between living systems and their physical environment (using disciplinary core ideas from physical science) to explain processes within each of these systems.
Physical Education
P.E. Course Description: Sixth grade physical education programs provide the opportunity to expand a student’s performance and understanding of fundamental movement and motor skills to more specialized movement and motor skills used in a variety of content areas (individual and dual activities, team activities, rhythms and dance, combative, aquatics, adventure/outdoor activities, and tumbling and gymnastics).
STEM (Energy and the Environment)
STEM (EE) Course Description: In Energy and the Environment (EE) the students are challenged to think big and toward the future as they explore sustainable solutions to our energy needs and investigate the impact of energy on our lives and the world. They design and model alternative energy sources and evaluate options for reducing energy consumption.