Thomas Lau » MS-LS-2.3 - Ecology - Cycling of Matters

MS-LS-2.3 - Ecology - Cycling of Matters

Cycling of Matter
Food Chain
Copy and answering the following questions in your Journal:
Label title: MSB - Gets Eaten

1. When the gang arrives on the beach what do you call that group of muscles at the beach?

2. What group (producers, consumer:herbivore, consumer:carnivore, consumer:omnivore, decomposer) is the bird that eats the crab?

3. List the food chain at 10:15.

4. How small is phytoplankton? Atom, Cell, Tissue, organ, organ system

5. What group (producers, consumer:herbivore, consumer:carnivore, consumer: omnivore, decomposer) is the shoe scum and sea scum (phytoplankton)?

6. How do you know phytoplankton is that particular class?

7. What eats phytoplankton from the sea? Describe them if you can not find it’s name.

8. Why aren’t there more anchovy than zooplankton?

9.  List the food chain at 17:00.

10. Draw the food chain at 20:30.

11. List the land food chain at 20:57.

12. What is usually at the bottom of the food chain?

13. What is the connection between Arnold’s shoe scum and Keisa’s sandwich?

Food Webs
PowerPoint Show:
Answering the following questions in your Journal:
Label title: WK - Food Chain/Web Game

1.What are the plant and animal roles that each brother takes up?

2. Draw a food chain based on the organisms that Martin (blue) takes up.

3. Draw a food chain based on the organisms that Chris (green) takes up.

4. Now go back to #2 and #3 and  label each organisms on the food chain as producer, consumer(herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore) and decomposer.

5. What happens if we take away the pride of lions from this food web? What would happen to the level right below it?